This Week’s Idea

Eww, don’t sit there!

Did you know that some of the biggest businesses started as simple, even quirky, simple ideas?

For example, Instagram was originally a check-in app called Burbn before its founders noticed people loved using it to just share photos. By focusing solely on that feature, they rebranded, and the photo-sharing platform we know today was born. It’s a great reminder that sometimes, the best business ideas come from unexpected insights -- and a willingness to pivot!

— Daniel

In today’s email:

  • My teacher invented this

  • Write it down or forget it

  • Eww don’t sit there!


In a world full of ideas, you might stumble across a life changing concept. You might not, but when you do, you better take action. Not tomorrow, and certainly not next year. There are 8 billion people in the world. What makes you think someone didn’t already start working on that idea? During health class, the teacher saw me eating with a spork (spoon + fork = spork).

“I INVENTED THAT, I COULD’VE BEEN A BILLIONAIRE,” was what I heard. The health teacher claimed that she was the person that invented the modern day spork. “If only I took action, I wouldn’t be here.”

Professor Jen, actually Samuel W. Francis invented the spork in 1874. He actually filed a US patent on February 3, 1874 for a utensil he called “Combined Knives, Forks and Spoons”.


Team, if you’re not going to take action on your new idea today, write it down. But please, don’t write it on a piece of paper. You will forget it, spill coffee, or throw a billion dollars in the trash. Don’t be that person, please use your notes app.


Don’t worry, the seats are clean.

Here is the catch, you arrive at the concert venue, make the trip and you finally arrive at your seat. The concert goes on and you just can’t stop looking at those 2 empty seats. Way to go, Danny.

This is the moment you realize that saving a few bucks was not worth it, now you’re stuck sitting behind the tallest person in that venue.

Here is where I help you travel back in time.

You arrive at the venue, see the 6 ft human being in front of you. But you also see the seats that no one is taking. Go ahead, celebrate now. Open your phone, launch the ButterSeats upgrade app. For a small fee or close to nothing, upgrade your venue seats like you would on United Airlines.

Give me the rev’ fax!

Why do you still brush your teeth with white toothpaste, the same way your parents taught you, the same way your grandparents taught them. You get the point.

Why are venues letting seats go unused the entirety of the event, potentially ruining our lives? Is it because they are stuck in the same cycle for years and now it’s silly to change our ways? Maybe.

The live events industry in the US was valued at $36.6 billion in 2023 with a 6.3% increase from the previous year.

ButterSeats will allow person X to upgrade their seat, pay an upgrade fee that you can take as commission. ButterSeats will then have the right to sell X’s seats to person Y. Venues hate empty seats, so this would be a win-win scenario.

Let’s launch ButterSeats.

Team, let’s do our due diligence and research regulations regarding live events, ticket selling, and what truly happens when you buy a ticket to an event.

Ok, you passed the first lesson. Let’s actually buy the website domain and come up with a great brand name. You want to consider something easy for people to type and search for. Remember simple is better. Here is where you might also create a website.

Now, you need to get out there and start sourcing partners that can help you. Collaborate with venues, people that can help you code, network with people in the industry. Become everyone’s friend here.


Invest in ButterSeats.

Founder, you will most definitely need to invest a few dollars into your new startup.

Estimated costs:

  • Startup Cost: $1,000-$2,000 for website setup, ad spend, and initial marketing.

  • Lawyer Cost: $800-$1500 for general research.

  • Software Development: $20,000-$70,000. We are being conservative here, but if we were to build an app that would integrate with TicketMaster, adding unique features on top of existing functionality, complexity of added features, and platform requirements.

butter ideas Pro Tip:

Start by talking with small event venues such as restaurants, sports events, and any vertical along those lines.

wanna butter along?

If you wanna support us, the #1 thing you can do is share If you know anyone who’s a business minded person or into this kind of thing, please share this page with them!

After that, enter your email in any of the forms on the site. We send a once-a-week email that features one epic idea.

— Danny

P.S: Send this to 10 friends and win a limited gift.